Thursday, October 5, 2017

Day 11: Push it, push it real good

Food was easy today. I feel like I ate well and I drank lots of water. Someone gave me a tip, drink from a straw because you tend to drink more. Oddly enough I am finding that to be true, which makes getting my water intake easier.

Walking was a different story. I was really looking forward to getting out there today, bit halfway through my first lap I felt like I was done. I was dragging, not keeping a good pace. I wanted to just call it quits after just that one.

I was sick yesterday, so that was my excuse for wanting to quit today. But more than wanting to quit,I wanted to beat my 2.5 miles from Tuesday. If i had gone any less than that I would have felt like I failed myself today.

I know that isn't really the truth though. Honestly, I am more active in a day than I was just two weeks ago and anything up from that is progress in my book. I kept with it though. By the time I rounded my final lap and made it back to my car I had gone 2.93 miles! Almost 3 miles! And, each lap got easier. I could have and probably would have gone around once more, but it had started to rain. Not the drizzle I dealt with for most of my walk, it started coming down pretty good and I figured that was a good time to call it a day.

I am amazed at how far I have come in just 11 short days. I am down about 7 pounds, and that number is a little high because I was sick....I am looking to continue losing about 1.5 pounds a week from here on out. If you had told me two weeks ago where I would be today I would have laughed in your face.

If I can do this, anyone can do this. All it takes is the determination and drive to want to change. I am so glad I found it.

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