I woke up yesterday with some new found determination. I
decided it is time to get serious again about the things I’ve been lax on the
last few months. Working out is high up on that list. That is how I found
myself at the gym again this morning before work. It was hard, but it always feels
so good to be moving again.
I approached the day with a new attitude, reminding myself
that this is a one day at a time kind of thing. I think there was my first
mistake-I kept looking forward into the future, which was getting me down. I
need to just focus on the right now. The right now is I had a great work out
this morning. I made much better food choices today, including staying away
from pop!
Two things that I am going to do going forward and keep with
are writing down my progress on this blog. Writing gave me something to look
forward to but it also gave me something I could look back on and see where I
had come, what was working and what was not. The second thing is tracking all
my foods again. I stopped, and while I thankfully haven’t gained but 5 pounds
back, I have not lost any either. Not seeing the caloric intake on my choices
made it easier for me to slip back into choosing bad foods, as long as I wasn’t
gaining I was OK. At least that was how I was rationalizing things. Now I know
(I knew is while I was doing it too…) this is not the way to approach. I need
to be mindful of what I stick in my mouth.
Aside from feeling blah again, I’m not happy with the person
I see in the mirror. I was slowly, slowly starting to see those physical
changes. I could tell my face had thinned out when I look in the mirror and
when nothing comes off no physical changes are made either. It’s been hard. I
know it will continue to be hard. But, I’m as committed as I ever was. But
sharing my progress with you all gives me accountability. So, get ready for
more posts, more sharing, just more of me!